Maintaining God-Awareness

How often is God on your mind?  

Do you think of Him all throughout the day or only when you’re getting ready to attend a church service?  Do you seek His will to guide your choices, or do you just read a few scriptures from the Bible every “now and then” or go to church weekly and then go on about your business?  In other words, is God an integral part of your daily life or do you disassociate your daily life from your planned interactions with God?

Read God’s Word Daily

In order to know God’s will and heart, we need to spend time in His Word daily.  How else could we know if we are “out of line” or “in sync” with Him?  We couldn’t. How else would we know if we are pleasing him with our lives and our choices?  We wouldn’t. God’s Word cultivates our moral compass and draws us closer to Him.  It helps us to recognize the things that God loves and the things that God hates.

Acknowledge God’s Presence Throughout the Day

What does the Bible mean when it says, “Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17

…Don’t worry!  This does NOT require us to be on our knees with our eyes closed all day long.  No.  It simply means that we need to stay in communion with God, because he is always there.

We need to recognize that we are NEVER alone and therefore we CAN and SHOULD talk to God at any time of day and all throughout the day.  After all, we need His strength, His wisdom, and His guidance throughout our day and along life’s journey.  So, we should tap into it as often as possible.  In fact, we need to STAY connected to God.

Thank God Often

Even when things are going well in life, we need to thank God…on the SPOT and every time we think about it!   We do not have to wait until a certain time to thank God for what he has done in our lives.  He is there!  He hears and he knows.  In addition, we should never take any of God’s blessings for granted. Instead, we should acknowledge Him right THEN, right away, on the SPOT, while our heart is overflowing with happiness and thanksgiving!  We can always thank Him again at our regularly scheduled quiet time.  After all, it’s not as if we can ever thank him TOO MUCH!  Truth be told, we can’t thank him enough!

In ALL thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path.  Prov. 3:6

We should never ignore that God is Omnipresent.  If we do, it’s only to our own detriment.  We are only fooling ourselves!  Instead, we should allow God’s presence to guide us in our choice of activities and the way we spend our time.  We should allow God’s presence to guide us in the way that we speak and the way we conduct ourselves.  We should allow God’s presence to guide us in the way that we treat others.  This is what takes place when we truly surrender our hearts to God and allow Him to change our minds and our hearts.  This is what Christian living truly means.  When we let God into our day-to-day living, He changes our LIVES in the most wonderful ways.  We begin to live a life that is pleasing to God and one that is full of the favor and blessings of God.  During difficult times, because we are still living in an evil world, God gives us direction, peace, and comfort.  More importantly, we are given the assurance of a place in heaven when Jesus returns for His people.  In the meantime, let’s not miss out on recognizing and embracing the fact that we are IN this world, but not OF this world and that we are IN this world, but never ALONE!

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